The Harlot

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Babylon the Great is personified as the mother of harlots. The harlot is a portrayal of a false religion with great influence that rides the beast during the tribulation.—17:1-6

Here are several clues to her identity…

  1. She sits upon many waters (v 2). What nation is surrounded by seas?
  2. She is located in a vast desert wilderness (v 3). What nation is a vast desert wilderness?
  3. She has great wealth that influences the leaders of nations (v 4). What nation has exorbitant wealth?
  4. She promotes spiritual fornication and idolatry (ie, false religion) over nations and is called Mystery Babylon (v 5). What nation exports their religious views with hundreds of millions of dollars around the world?
  5. She is drunk with the blood of the Saints (v 6). What nation executes people by beheadings?
  6. She sits on seven mountains (v 9). What nation has 7 distinct mountains that define a particular place of worship?
  7. She is a great city that rules over the leaders of nations (v 18). What nation has a city that exerts great influence over leaders of nations?

The Beast out of the sea (the Anti-christ) will destroy the city, Babylon the Great, toward the end of the tribulation.—17:7-18

Babylon the Great will be destroyed in one hour. The call of repentance is given for people to come out of Mystery Babylon and accept the free gift of pardon which is only found in JESUS CHRIST.—18:1-8

The world mourns over the destruction of Babylon the Great because its wealth is destroyed.—18:9-20

Babylon the Great is found guilty of the blood of the prophets and saints. The harlot, Mystery Babylon will be the driving force in the persecution of believers during the tribulation.—18:21-24

Have you figured out who Mystery Babylon is in the last days?

Babylon vs. Jerusalem

The following Old Testament prophecies gives us further clues as to the identity of Mystery Babylon in the last days.

  • Zechariah had a vision of a woman named “Wickedness” in a basket taken to the land of Shinar (Babylon) to be set up on a base to be judged in the last days—Zechariah 5:5:-11
  • Isaiah prophesies of the Day of the Lord and judgment upon Babylon in the last days—Isaiah 13
  • Isaiah’s burden and oracle against the “dessert of the Sea” addressed specific cities located in the Arabian peninsula: Dumah, Dedan, Arabia, Sier, Tema, and Kedar. These cities identify the location of last days Babylon—Isaiah 21

As we take into consideration these other text of scriptures it does point to the role of Islam during the Tribulation hour.